How to Stay Fit and Beautifully Healthy

Find the time. Exercise is one of the most important aspects in staying (or becoming) fit and healthy. Experts recommend that you should aim to be active for at least 30 minutes per day. Try scheduling your exercise the same way that you schedule other appointments and commitments. You'll be more likely to stick to it if it's on the calendar.[1]
  • If you are trying to tone-up or lose weight, you might need to exercise more than thirty minutes per day. If you belong to a gym, ask to have a consultation with a personal trainer. They can help you plan a regimen for your specific goals.
  • Exercise in increments. If you are finding it difficult to block out 30 or 60 minutes of your day for exercise, try getting your movement in smaller chunks of time. For example, walk to work, take a walk at lunch, and walk home.
Make it a habit. You will see the most benefits from exercise if you do it regularly. One good way to make a habit stick is to pick a form of exercise that you enjoy. For example, if you like swimming, make it a point to swim laps twice a week.[2]
  • Make it easy to stick to your routine. Try setting out your workout clothes and your gym bag the night before. That way, you're all set to head out the door in the morning.
  • Utilize technology. Try a gadget to help you track your movements, such as a fitbit. There are even free apps on your phone that you can set to remind you to get up and move once an hour.
  • Don't give up. It typically takes between 20 and 30 days to make a habit stick. Keep exercising, and eventually it will become a natural part of your day.

Go outdoors. There are definitely some perks to working out at a gym--air conditioning and televisions are a few. But scientists report that exercising outdoors, at least part of the time, can have major benefits. The varied terrain of a road, sidewalk, or trail challenges your body in ways that the monotony of a treadmill or elliptical trainer can't do.[3]
  • Exercising outside can also have positive benefits for your mental health. In studies, people who walked both outside and inside reported enjoying the activity much more when completed outside.
  • Utilize your local parks. Many parks will have great areas for running or walking. If you like sports, you can also make use of the tennis courts or basketball courts.
Be social. If you involve other people in your exercise routine, you'll see a positive impact in your results. Finding a workout buddy can help with accountability. If you schedule an activity with a friend, you are less likely to cancel than if you were only cancelling on yourself.[4]
  • Group exercise classes also offer benefits. In classes, instructors can offer encouraging words. They can also motivate you and correct your form to make sure that you are doing each move safely and effectively.
  • Working out is a great way to meet new people. Try joining a running club or a tennis league. You'll make friends with similar interests and stay in great shape.
Vary your routine. It's great when you find an exercise that you enjoy. And there's no reason to give up something you love, like yoga or swimming. However, it can be beneficial to vary your exercise routine. Your body will respond positively to new challenges and you'll see greater results when you switch things up.[5]
  • Your body will get used to a regular routine and will eventually start to spend less energy when you exercise. That means you'll burn fewer calories and might notice a plateau in your fitness goals.
  • Try doing a mix of strength training and cardio. For example, try running for two minutes, then stopping to do some core exercises, such as a plank or crunches. You can switch up the order of your exercises and add new ones to your routine.
  • Try changing your routine every two to four weeks to start seeing some faster results.