Know All About Keeping Yourself Fit And Healthy

Staying fit is a great bonus to life and can lead you to be a happy and healthier person. There are many helpful strategies to keep fit and stay healthy that, with dedication and ambition, can be done.

The Easiest Way To Lose Weighe Is Exercise

Any type of regular, physical activity can improve your fitness and your health. The most important thing is that you keep moving! Exercise should be a regular part of your day, like brushing your teeth, eating, and sleeping. It can be in gym class, joining a sports team, or working out on your own.

Know About Keeping yourself Fit In Pregnancy

When it comes to your pregnancy priorities, bouncing around with a baby on board may come in a distant second to kicking up your swollen feet and relaxing. But the fact is exercise can actually help fight fatigue, ensure a better night's sleep, and ease uncomfortable symptoms like constipation, making for a better overall experience for you and your bun in the oven.

Healthy exercises during pregnancy

Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

No doubt about it, exercise is a big plus for both you and your baby (if complications don't limit your ability to exercise throughout your pregnancy). It can help you:
  • feel better. At a time when you wonder how this strange body can possibly be yours, exercise can increase your sense of control and boost your energy level. Not only does it make you feel better by releasing endorphins (naturally occurring chemicals in the brain), appropriate exercise can:
    • relieve backaches and improve your posture by strengthening and toning muscles in your back, butt, and thighs
    • reduce constipation by accelerating movement in your intestines
    • prevent wear and tear on your joints (which become loosened during pregnancy due to normal hormonal changes) by activating the lubricating fluid in your joints
    • help you sleep better by relieving the stress and anxiety that might make you restless at night

  • look better. Exercise increases the blood flow to your skin, giving you a healthy glow.
  • prepare you and your body for birth. Strong muscles and a fit heart can greatly ease labor and delivery. Gaining control over your breathing can help you manage pain. And in the event of a lengthy labor, increased endurance can be a real help.
  • regain your pre-pregnancy body more quickly. You'll gain less fat weight during your pregnancy if you continue to exercise (assuming you exercised before becoming pregnant). But don't expect or try to lose weight by exercising while you're pregnant. For most women, the goal is to maintain their fitness level throughout pregnancy.
While the jury's still out on the additional benefits of exercise during pregnancy, some studies have shown that exercise may even lower a woman's risk of complications, like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

What's Safe During Pregnancy?

It depends on when you start and whether your pregnancy is complicated. If you exercised regularly before becoming pregnant, continue your program, with modifications as you need them.
If you weren't fit before you became pregnant, don't give up! Begin slowly and build gradually as you become stronger. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes (that's 2½ hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week for healthy women who are not already highly active or doing vigorous-intensity activity.
If you're healthy, the risks of moderate-intensity activity during pregnancy are very low, and do not increase risk of low birth weight, pre-term delivery, or early pregnancy loss.
Before you continue your old exercise routine or begin a new one, you should talk to your doctor about exercising while you're pregnant. Discuss any concerns you have and know that you might need to limit your exercise if you have:
  • pregnancy-induced high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • early contractions
  • vaginal bleeding
  • premature rupture of your membranes, also known as your water (the fluid in the amniotic sac around the fetus) breaking early

Exercises to Try

Many women enjoy dancing, swimming, water aerobics, yoga, Pilates, biking, or walking. Swimming is especially appealing, as it gives you welcome buoyancy (floatability or the feeling of weightlessness). Try for a combination of cardio (aerobic), strength, and flexibility exercises, and avoid bouncing.
Many experts recommend walking. It's easy to vary the pace, add hills, and add distance. If you're just starting, begin with a moderately brisk pace for a mile, 3 days a week. Add a couple of minutes every week, pick up the pace a bit, and eventually add hills to your route. Whether you're a pro or a novice, go slowly for the first 5 minutes to warm up and use the last 5 minutes to cool down.
If you were a runner before you were pregnant, you might be able to continue running during your pregnancy, although you may have to modify your routine.
Whatever type of exercise you and your doctor decide on, the key is to listen to your body's warnings. Many women, for example, become dizzy early in their pregnancy, and as the baby grows, their center of gravity changes. So it may be easy for you to lose your balance, especially in the last trimester.
Your energy level might vary greatly from day to day. And as your baby grows and pushes up on your lungs, you'll notice a decreased ability to breathe in more air (and the oxygen it contains) when you exercise. If your body says, "Stop!" — stop!
Your body is signaling that it's had enough if you feel:
  • fatigue
  • dizziness
  • heart palpitations (your heart pounding in your chest)
  • shortness of breath
  • pain in your back or pelvis
And if you can't talk while you're exercising, you're doing it too strenuously.
It also isn't good for your baby if you become overheated because temperatures higher than 102.6°F (39°C) could cause problems with the developing fetus — especially in the first trimester — which can potentially lead to birth defects. So don't overdo exercise on hot days.
During hot weather, avoid exercising outside during the hottest part of the day (from about 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) or exercise in an air-conditioned place. Also remember that swimming makes it more difficult for you to notice your body heating up because the water makes you feel cooler.

How to Make Sex Last Longer

Whether you regularly experience premature ejaculation, a common sexual problem for men, or simply want to find ways to make sex last longer, there are plenty of things you can do both during and before sex to prevent yourself from getting too excited too quickly. Read this article to learn how.

Before Sex

Relax and be positive. Premature ejaculation is as much a physical issue as a mental one. Try not to create a self-fulfilling prophecy by labeling yourself as sexually incompetent in any way. Approaching sex with confidence, self respect, and a positive attitude rather than fear and self-doubt can make all the difference for both you and your partner.

"Practice" with yourself. Masturbation is perfectly healthy and natural, and doing it regularly can help you build up your stamina, prevent premature ejaculation,[1] and even relieve stress and anxiety. Plus, the more time you spend with yourself, the more familiar you will become with your body so that you can more easily recognize when you get too excited. That way, during sex, you can know when to slow down or change positions before it's too late.

Find a regular sexual partner if possible. Men tend to get particularly worked up during their first time with a new woman, especially if this woman is somebody he has been lusting after for a long time. Realize that sometimes it really isn't you, but rather, how attracted to and excited you are about being in bed with her. And that's perfectly ok.
  • Being in a monogamous relationship is a great way to improve your performance in bed, and the more time you spend with one person, the more comfortable and confident you will feel during sex.
  1. 4
    Wear a condom. Lots of men complain that condoms decrease pleasure and sensitivity during sex, but if you're trying to last longer in bed, that might be just what you need. And, of course, there's the added bonus of preventing against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
Cut down on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Using these substances in excess may interfere with your ability to control ejaculation

Use a topical medication. Desensitizing sprays and creams have been used for years to help men last longer but the side effects of sensation loss and partner transference have prevented them from widespread use. There is a new class of topical sprays with absorption technology that enables a mild anesthetic to penetrate the outer layer of penile skin to the nerves below that control ejaculation, providing superior control and good sensation for the man and generally unnoticeable transfer to the woman. There are several products available in the U.S. at the moment.
  • These are not available in all pharmacies. Search online for "penis spray" to find places to order online.
During Sex

Don't skip foreplay. Studies have shown that couples that indulge in foreplay report having sex for longer than those who don't.[3] Instead of getting right down to business, take some time to cuddle, kiss, touch one another, and so on. The more time you spend on foreplay, the longer you'll be in bed together.
  • If you get too excited during foreplay, stop her from doing whatever she's doing and focus all of your attention on her instead
Change positions often. This can shift your attention. Plus, exploring different sexual positions can make sex more exciting and ensure that both partners are satisfied.
  • Also, don't be afraid to stop having sex temporarily to focus on her.
Try to distract yourself. If you find yourself getting too excited during sex, try to distract yourself from how turned on you are by thinking about something completely unrelated to the situation, like work or school. Temporarily diverting your attention can help you relax and slow down.
  • Whatever you think of, make sure that it's something that doesn't turn you on sexually in any way.
Take slow, deep breaths. Many men find that breathing slowly and deeply during sex can help them last longer. This can be attributed to the fact that breathing helps us relax. Try to breathe deep into your belly. Feel it expanding as you inhale. It may also help to hold your breath for two or three seconds before exhaling, slowly. This holding can have a calming, centering effect.

Let her be in control. The person who is in control is usually the one experiencing most of the pleasure; letting her be in control can help decrease some of the sensitivity you feel.

Over Night Skin Care for Oily Skin

Almost all the women would love to have a beautiful skin. Not only women but even men too would want a healthy looking skin. We do so much during the day that night is the time when we can finally get relaxed. On the same note, night time is the best time to pamper your skin. Do you know that our skin will heal at a faster rate at night? The skin care products that we use during the night skin care routine show more benefits.This is because while we are asleep our body and skin will repair and revive. This is the restoring mechanism. This is why you may have heard a lot about the ‘beauty sleep’. So, what should be your night skin care routine. A skin care routine for the night time is crucial in achieving a beautiful skin that is smoother, glowing, free from problems like wrinkles, dark circles, patchiness etc.

Why night skin care routine is important?

Skin heals and rejuvenates itself even we sleep therefore the products that we use at night boosts the repairing process.
The anti aging products that we use at night gives great results in preventing the lines and wrinkles since the ingredients in those products boost the elastin and collagen production, which enhances the skin natural elasticity.
The tired and patchy looking skin gets brighter when good night sleep is taken. The results can be further expedited with a good night cream which is an important part of any night skin care routine regardless of the type of your skin.
For the oily and acne prone skin, the acne treatments applied at night can work for good 7-8 hours. So, that the pimple causing bacteria can be eliminated faster. Such anti acne products are mostly photosensitive thus has to be used at night.
During the day the skin accumulates dust and dirt so, when the facial skin is cleansed at night, the skin gets free from the dirt and debris which keeps the skin pores clean.
While we asleep, our blood vessels dilates which allows more nutrients and oxygen to penetrate in the skin and cellular toxic products are eliminated.

Basics of daily night skin care routine

1. Facial cleansing

Any skin care routine starts with facial cleansing. Whether you have oily, dry, sensitive skin. Use of facial cleansers is the first step. You can use a face wash, facial cleanser, cleansing milk or other cleansing product to complete this step. Care should be taken while choosing proper face wash or cleansers. Oily skin should use foaming or gel based cleansers while dry skinned people should try creamy face wash which give moisture to dry skin.

2. Toning

After you are done with the face cleansing, the next step is the toning. Toner help to maintain the skin’s pH balance this is also a very important step in improving the skin texture.

3. Night cream

The most important step in night skin care routine which repairs the skin is using night cream. During the night the skin heals so if we give some more nutrients to the skin in the form of night cream, the skin will get nourished and rejuvenate even at a faster rate. If you have oily skin then night creams which are oil free are good to give moisture and nourishment to the skin while for the dry skin thick night creams are beats. Such night creams will be rich in emollients which will make a layer over the dry skin and will restore the moisture balance so that you can wake up with a great glowing skin.

4. Under eye cream

Other than the night cream, an under eye cream is also important to include in the night skin care routine regardless of your skin type. Your under eye skin doesn’t have any lubricating glands therefore the area needs to be hydrated. Using an under eye cream will be beneficial in the long run to keep the eyes look younger and to prevent the wrinkles under the eyes. You can use under eye serums or creams as per the choice.
For dry skin a night skin care routine is highly recommend by the skin experts. This because the dry skin is prone to line and wrinkles, therefore care should be taken while dealing with dry skin.
A hydrating skin cleanser should be used which gives the skin boost of moisture and also gets rid of the dirt dust and pollutants over the skin surface.
Use a skin toner that is alcohol free. Alcohol free toner are ideal for dry skin and they will further maintain skin’s natural balance.
After the toner a skin serum can be applied. Serums are high in nutrients yet easy to permeate in the skin.
Thereafter a night cream shall be used. A night cream that contains hyaluronic acid is ideal for dry skin which not only gives moisture but repairs the dryness.

12 Simple Tips to Get Clear Glowing Skin Naturally – Have Flawless Skin

How to get a glowing skin? How to have flawless skin? These are the questions that most of us ask the skin specialists and dermatologist and which need a satisfying answer. Clear glowing skin is a dream for every person. No one likes pimples, zits, dark spots, baggy eyes or dark circles. There are different skin types and different problems associated with them. Dry skin can get itchy sometimes and needs to be hydrated often to keep it glowing. Oily skin is prone to pimples and has a greasy texture. Some people have normal skin, which is God’s gift, and then there are people with combination skin who have to face the problems of both dry skin and oily skin. Perfect skin is not too oily or dry but needs to be taken care with regular toning and cleansing. There are various types of facial masks made with natural ingredients which can also help in providing natural glow to the skin.

Clear Glowing Skin Naturally

Some people have two different facial skin, the area near the cheeks and eyes is dry while the forehead and area around the mouth look greasy and has a darker shade. They need to treat these areas differently with different kinds of creams. Every skin type has a problem. But, where there is a will there is a way. The change needs to come from within.
If you can make it a daily routine and take care of your skin every day, you can be sure to reap the fruit of your hard work. Your skin will look flawless and shiny, even as you age. Here are some great tips for clear skin. These tips are all natural, easily accessible which not only give you a better skin but also a healthy life. They are perfect for all the skin types.

Nutritious, Fiber Rich Diet:

Everything healthy starts from your diet. Digestive problems result in skin impurities; hence diet is really essential for healthy skin. Taking in the right amount of micro-nutrients and vitamins is great for clear skin. Food for glowing skin should be carefully selected natural protein foods like fish, nuts and white meat, grains like buckwheat, brown rice and quinoa, vegetables like broccoli, tomato and beets are very healthy and good for the skin.
Try to avoid processed and man-made food. Omega3 fatty acids are great to reduce inflammation; this is found in walnuts, salmon and soybeans. Eat plenty of healthy food to keep your skin glowing. More intake of fruits and vegetables will leave you with spotless, clear skin.

Drink Water:

As we know there are many health benefits of drinking water and juices, one of the best is to help your skin to purify the impurities, and glowing skin tips are incomplete without the inclusion of this essential point. Water cleanses the body and eliminates the toxins and waste. It hydrates the body and removes excess oils and dirt. 15% of our skin is made up of water.
Drinking at least 2 liters per day gives the skin a bright, noticeable change in less than a week. It rids your skin from dryness and wrinkles. It also boosts the immune system. The importance of juicing for healthy skin also needs no new emphasis.

Avoid the Sun:

The sun is a great source for vitamin D. The morning sun from 7am to 9am is good for the skin. However avoiding the sun after this time is very essential. The UV rays are quite strong and they not only damage the texture of the skin but over exposure to these rays can result in skin cancer. Avoid the sun especially from 10 am to 2 pm as the sun rays can get really harsh, and this is a must for even normal skin care.
Try to wear clothing that covers most of your skin and carry an umbrella if possible. Apply sunscreen with SPF above 45 while going outdoors. Soothing natural remedies are the best answer to the question of how to remove sunburn and skin tan.

Skin Hydration:

Hydrating the body from inside and outside is important. Cleanse your face twice every day, washing your face more than this can result in dryness. The natural oils produced by the skin are required to nourish it and provide flawless beauty and skin care. Use cold water to cleanse your face after washing it, as warm water opens the pores which allow bacteria and dirt to enter into them.
By using cold water, the opened pores will be closed, which prevent foreign material to get into them. While washing your face use circular movements, do not scrub as it causes skin irritation. Use homemade facial for oily skin and dry skin 3 to 4 times a week.

Pimple Care:

Proper pimple and acne acre is one of the most important tips to get fair and glowing skin. It is very tempting to pop pimples if you pop the zits it will only result in scars, redness and inflammation. The infected material will be pushed further into the skin, causing more pimples! The inflammations in the dermis (inner layer of the skin) and epidermis (outer layer of the skin) are called blemishes.
So, blemishes caused by popping the pimples take longer to heal than the pimple itself. The pimples stay for three or four days, but the scars caused by fingering them stay for a lifetime. Choose which one you’d like to live with. Opt for homemade remedies for pimples and acne to stay away from side-effects.


When it comes to topical skin care, most of us concentrate on cleansing, toning and moisturizing and completely ignore exfoliation. But natural tips for glowing skin by experts emphasize the importance of exfoliating the skin because it is the best solution to the question of how to get rid of dead skin cells. Periodic exfoliation using natural ingredients like Bengal gram flour, oats, orange peel or lentil powder can remove dead cells, dust, impurities and blackheads from the skin and make it smooth and flawless.
It helps in cleaning the clogged pores and hair follicles within turn prevent the breakout of acne. It helps in improving skin texture by reducing dullness of skin and reducing the appearance of large pores. Regular exfoliation makes it easier for the skin to absorb moisturizers and serums that are applied topically.

Use a Toner

The three basic tips to get clear skin are cleansing, toning and moisturizing. But what exactly is toning? Toners are supposed to be used right after cleansing the skin with a foam based face wash in order to restore the skin’s pH balance. Healthy skin toners provide supply skin repairing substances such as antioxidants, fatty acids, ceramides and glycerine to the skin and provide it with a fresher, smoother and younger appearance. Toners are an important part of skin care because it provides deep pore cleansing to the skin and reduces the size of the open pores and makes the skin smooth and flawless while drying out oily T-zone of the face.
Regular use of a toner also helps in solving the problem of acne. Toners have humectant properties that bind moisture to the skin and prevent skin dryness. Cleansing can lead to small cell gaps through which impurities can penetrate the skin. Toners provide an added layer of protection by tightening these cell gaps.


Dullness of the skin, pimples and acne are often caused by excessive accumulation of toxins and waste products in the body and it is important to flush out these water products with the help of detoxification. Natural detoxification programs such as 30 days fruit and vegetable detox diet plan stimulate the body to purge and cleanse itself and enhance the functions of the liver, kidney and colon. An easy way to detox your body and each morning is to start your day with a glass of warm lemon water.
It also helps in maintaining the pH of the body at a healthy alkaline state. A detox diet should consist of fruit and vegetable juices that are loaded with skin-saving nutrients. It is best to stay away from sugar, alcohol and salty snacks for at least 5 days to give the skin a healthy break and prevent water retention.

Get Rid of Makeup Before you Sleep

Make up is an inseparable part of any modern woman’s beauty regime and it is the best way to enhance radiance and attractiveness of skin and provide a gorgeous and appealing look during parties and events but it is often loaded with harsh chemicals that not only harm the skin, but also attract dirt and clogs the skin pores causing pimples and acne. In addition, it also promotes the growth of yeast on the skin.
So it is essential to remove makeup thoroughly from skin, lips and eyes with the help of a mild cleansing milk followed by a refreshing face wash in order to prevent bumpy rashes and cysts. Therefore, make it a point to remove the foundation, powder, gloss, eyeliner, mascara and lip colour before going to bed no matter how tired and worn out you are.

Leave Stress Behind:

How to have beautiful skin? If this is your question, the answer is rest! Sleep is the number one secret to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and get flawless and glowing skin naturally. Stress hormones lead to excessive oil production which will result in white heads. Running, a warm bath and a short sleep help reduce stress and get rid of acne. At least 7 to 8 hours of sleep is needed for an active mind and glowing skin. Occasional visits to the spa and swimming pool will relax your muscles.
Your body will lose excess oils and regains the bright youthful texture. You can also relieve stress with relaxing yoga and Tai Chi techniques and you can also listen to relaxing music or make a habit of reading books.

Physical Activity:

Physical activity is not only essential to losing weight and stay fit, but also to get flawless skin naturally. It is a necessity in this busy life. Activities like indoor aerobic exercises increases blood and oxygen flow to the skin cells that help in neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress and carries away waste products from the cells. It helps in flushing out cellular debris from the system. Exercise is the best way to cleanse the skin from the inside.
Modern man is largely affected by the sedentary lifestyle – at work you may not walk around and at home you may want to rest.  A short walk or 30 minutes at the gym are an added advantage not only for the body but also for the skin. Make it a daily habit – dancing, cycling, skipping, running, walking, anything that will make you sweat! A half an hour spent on exercise every day will flush out the toxins. Exercise will help reduce stress in the body.  To rid yourself of acne and dull skin, you need to add some kind of physical activity to your day.

Get the Daily Dose of Vitamin C

One of the most important vitamins for healthy and flawless skin is vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid that helps in enhancing the complexion and preventing the appearance of the signs of skin aging. Regular intake of vitamin C improves collagen production, enhances skin brightness, keeps away age spots and pigmentation and enhances the skin’s ability to protect itself from the damage caused by the harsh UV rays of the sun.
Some of the best food sources of vitamin C are blackcurrants, broccoli, guava, grapes, kiwi fruit, strawberries, amla or Indian Goose Berries, lemon, papaya and sweet potatoes. Vitamin C can also be consumed in the form of supplements and capsules. It strengthens the capillaries of the skin for better transport of the nutrients into the skin cells and tissues.
By adding these changes to your lifestyle, you are sure to experience glowing flawless skin. Certain hygienic habit of using different towels for your face and body helps in the transmission of bacteria and fungi. These tips are natural skin care solutions which will cleanse your skin from within and provide clear skin naturally. Giving you a youthful, bright look, even people with sensitive skin will be satisfied with these results. Your body, mind and skin will feel refreshed and extremely healthy. It is important to stay fit and get enough amount of rest. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Healthy milk recipes that are rich in calcium

Including milk in your diet is a great way to get calcium—a bone-strengthening mineral that most of us don’t get enough of. Adult men and women need 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. After 50, both men and women's needs increase to 1,200 milligrams per day. EatingWell recommends low- or nonfat milk (sometimes called “skim”) to limit intake of the saturated fats that boost risk of heart disease. Plus, new research suggests that replacing full fat dairy with low fat dairy may also help lower blood pressure. These creamy, nutritious recipes using milk offer at least 15% of the recommended daily value for—you guessed it!—calcium.

3-Day Fruit & Vegetable Diet

High in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, fruit and vegetables may reduce your risk for heart disease, cancer, obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Some detox diets promote eating only fruit and vegetables for a period of time to cleanse the system of toxins and improve digestion. Although there is no evidence to support that these diets work, there's no harm in eating only fruits and vegetables for three days. Just be sure to resume your normal diet including all of the food groups at the end of the three days. Speak to your doctor if you have any health conditions that may make it dangerous for you to follow a fruit and vegetable diet.

Prepare for Your Diet

Rather than abruptly changing your diet for three days, you can make certain changes in the period leading up to your diet that will make it easier and gentler on your body. Dr. Ben Kim, a chiropractor who runs a fasting clinic, recommends tapering your consumption of several types of foods and beverages for at least a few days and as much as a week beforehand. These include alcohol, caffeine, salt, sugar, other types of sweeteners and all animal foods, such as meat, eggs, fish, dairy, shellfish and poultry. Kim warns that because these foods are more stressful for your digestive system to process, cutting them out of your diet suddenly can create uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Raw or Cooked?

A lot of cleanse diets suggest that eating fruits and vegetables raw is better for your health. But this isn't scientifically proven. In fact, there is some benefit to cooking your produce -- at least some of your veggies. While high-heat methods like frying can destroy some nutrients and increase your fat intake, certain nutrients actually become more bioavailable when cooked, such as the antioxidant lycopene in tomatoes. If you plan to cook your veggies during your three-day diet, choose a cooking method least likely to deplete nutrients. Of all the methods tested in a study published in the "Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B" in 2009, steaming broccoli preserved the most vitamin C, chlorophyll and antioxidants called glucosinolates.

Sample Meals

Whip up a smoothie for breakfast with berries, mango, banana and leafy greens, and add some avocado for healthy fats and a creamy texture. Kim notes that the fatty acids in avocado can help you stay full until your next meal. For lunch, enjoy a large salad with all your favorite vegetables, and even some fruits for sweetness. Use lemon juice and dash of extra virgin olive oil for a salad dressing, if desired. After your salad, if you need a little something extra to keep you full until dinner, Kim suggests a steamed Yukon gold, new or sweet potato. For dinner, you can have any variety of raw or steamed vegetables and fruits that you like, but have at least equal amounts of fruits and veggies, recommends Kim. For snacks, Kim suggests raw veggies dipped in guacamole. Sip on sparkling or plain water and unsweetened green or herbal tea.